Stories Around the Fire (Buffalo Creek Nature Park)

02/27/2022 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET




  • $5.00  -  Member
  • $10.00  -  Nonmember


Buffalo Creek Nature Park
154 Monroe Road
Sarver, PA 16055


There’s something about telling a story while you sit around the fire. Join us as we grab a cup of cocoa or hot cider and gather around the fire. We will tell a story and then do a participant story where you have a chance to add to the adventure.


There’s something about telling a story while you sit around the fire. Join us as we grab a cup of cocoa or hot cider and gather around the fire. We will tell a story and then do a participant story where you have a chance to add to the adventure. This event takes place completely outside so dress accordingly. $5 per member, $10 per nonmember

Neon CRM by Neon One