Sketching Your Backyard Birds - BFNR

04/28/2018 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET




  • $40.00  -  Member
  • $45.00  -  Non member


614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
United States of America


In this workshop with artist Amanda Zimmerman, we'll start with some basic birds anatomy and then practice some tips for sketching a moving, feeding, and singing bird! Learn how to take notes on behavior and mannerisms and keep track of your regular and irregular bird feeder visitors! We will work from photos and videos and even a live bird to gain comfort in observing and drawing birds.


In this workshop with artist Amanda Zimmerman, we'll start with some basic birds anatomy and then practice some tips for sketching a moving, feeding, and singing bird! Learn how to take notes on behavior and mannerisms and keep track of your regular and irregular bird feeder visitors! We will work from photos and videos and even a live bird to gain comfort in observing and drawing birds.

Please be sure to bring an inexpensive sketchbook and drawing pencils. 2h and 2b preferred. $40 members, $45 nonmembers.

Neon CRM by Neon One