Wilderness Skills for Survival Camp (Grades 5 - 8) - Beechwood

06/14/2021 09:00 AM - 06/18/2021 03:00 PM ET




  • $275.00  -  Member
  • $300.00  -  Non member


Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


Build shelters, cook over campfires made without matches, make rope from plants, orient yourself with just nature as your guide!


These are the skills you need to know now to surivive in the wilderness! Learn to recognize the best plants to use when building proper shelters and fires, then build them! Secure your shelter with knots using natural fibers, and cook over an open fire like a pro. Orient yourself with just nature as your guide. This is an all day camp from 9 am - 3 pm. Students must provide their own lunches. This camp is open to campers entering grade 5 through grade 8 in the fall. Gear list and permission forms will be sent the week before camp.

Neon CRM by Neon One