Merit Badge: Wilderness Survival at Beechwood

07/30/2021 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET




  • $25.00


Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


Want to develop your scouting skills over the summer while earning your Merit Badges? Just want to learn about how to survive in the wilderness? This camp is open to anyone age 11-17, even if you're not a Scout.


Want to develop your scouting skills over the summer while earning your Merit Badges? Just want to learn about how to survive in the wilderness? This camp is open to anyone age 11-17, even if you're not a Scout. Please see for details on the material we will cover. Bring a lunch and a blue card.  

Please note that we not complete the requirement #8 to stay in a shelter over night during class. You will need to do that on your own. But if you bring pictures and a journal as proof, we can sign off the requirement during this class or afterward.

Neon CRM by Neon One