Audubon Trailblazers Camp (Grade 3-6): Beechwood July 12-16

07/12/2021 09:00 AM - 07/16/2021 04:00 PM ET




  • $125.00  -  Member half day afternoon
  • $150.00  -  Nonmember half day morning
  • $150.00  -  Nonmember half day afternoon
  • $275.00  -  Member full day
  • $300.00  -  Nonmember full day


Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


Observe, identify, explore—and make a difference in the world while enjoying the games and activities that make nature day camp great! Each session features new and exciting nature themes.


Observe, identify, explore—and make a difference in the world. We will contribute to real-world community science by studying butterflies, birds, plants and more, while enjoying the games and activities that make camp great! Each week special projects will make our reserves better for plants, animals and people. For kids entering grades 3-6 this fall. Beechwood camp week has a morning (9am-12pm) session and an afternoon (1pm-4pm) session. Morning and afternoon sessions have different activities. Get a bonus hour from 12pm-1pm and chaperoned lunch and recess when you register for a full day.  Audubon Trailblazers is for campers entering Grade 3 to Grade 6 in the fall. Gear lists and permission forms will be sent to you the week before the program.

Neon CRM by Neon One