FULL - Creatures of the Night: Beechwood 6:30pm

10/16/2021 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM ET




  • $6.00  -  Member
  • $10.00  -  Non-Member


Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


This event is full - but you can find other available dates, times, and locations here: http://aswp.org/pages/creatures-of-the-night-2021


This event is full - but you can find other available dates, times, and locations here: http://aswp.org/pages/creatures-of-the-night-2021

Delight in our annual autumn experience as fireflies guide you on our trails to encounter larger-than-life costumed nocturnal creatures. Hear stories from a Great Horned Owl, observe the acrobatics of the Flying Squirrel, go batty with Little Brown Bat, and meet a real-live creature of the night! Come in costume for twice the fun. This event takes place outdoors, even if it’s raining. Registration required. $6 member; $10 nonmember; under 2 is free.

Neon CRM by Neon One