Merit Badge: Insect Study (Beechwood)
07/26/2024 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
- $55.00 - Member
- $70.00 - Nonmember
Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
614 Dorseyville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Want to develop your scouting skills over the summer or earn your Merit Badge? This camp is open to anyone age 11-17, even if you're not a BSA Scout.
Want to develop your scouting skills over the summer while earning your Merit Badges? This camp is open to anyone age 11-17, even if you're not a Scout. This session will cover all the requirements of the Insect Study Merit Badge except #9, Raise an Insect. You may complete #9 on your own before or after the workshop, and submit proof (Pictures and a journal). Many scouts purchase mealworms from a bait store or a pet store, and raise them to maturity. Please see for details on the material we will cover. Bring a lunch, and a BSA blue card if applicable.
Merit Badge campers are eligible for scholarships. See for a scholarship application
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