Weekday Volunteer Naturalist Training Series - Beechwood
- Free
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
United States of America
Join our crew leading school field trips. This training will provide trailside teaching techniques and basic natural history. This is class will meet every Monday March 17, 24; April 7, 14, 21, & 28 (No session March 31). Signing up for this first class (March 17) will sign you up for the series. Free with a commitment to lead several field trips each season. Audubon Volunteer Naturalists will need to provide background check documentation before leading a program.
Audubon Volunteer Naturalists lead groups of 8 to 12 school students on field trips on the trails at Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve. Primary field trip seasons are September through October and March through early June. The typical naturalist leads 2 to 4 walks a month in season. Most field trips are during weekday school hours. Ages range from preschool through high school. You choose what days, age groups and topics you prefer to lead. Audubon Volunteer Naturalists also optionally assist with other education programs of Audubon. Pennsylvania-mandated child protection background check required (free for most people, details are in the information packet linked below.) Onoing enrichment is provided at monthly meetings with a natural history program.
All sessions held at Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
Contact Scott, sdetwiler@aswp.org, for complete details about the Audubon Volunteer Naturalist program.